Natick Service Council Response to COVID-19
The health and safety of our clients, volunteers and staff continues to be of the utmost importance as we continue to navigate the outbreak of COVID-19.
Below are the precautions we are taking effective immediately to maintain social distancing and reduce community contact.
- NSC Office is closed to the public including all volunteers and clients. NSC is suspending all volunteer shifts.
- The one exception is for clients with scheduled food pantry appointments. Those clients will be able to pick up food. Clients will no longer be allowed to “shop” in order to minimize community contact. Instead, each family will receive between 2 – 4 bags of food depending on family size via “curbside” distribution.
- NSC is not accepting any food and clothing donations until further notice.
- All events including the 9th Annual “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” Telethon and all Boston Marathon fundraisers are postponed until further notice.
Should you need any assistance, please call the Natick Service Council office at 508-655-1791.
NSC’s motto is “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”. NSC is bracing for a sharp increase in need from our community. We are asking for your continued financial support of NSC and our programs. Through our partnership with the Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB), we are able to purchase large quantities of essential food pantry items at a fraction of the cost of large stores. As an AIB-certified organization, GBFB already operates under the utmost stringent health and safety measures helping to ensure the food NSC is distributing is safe.
For those who would like to help, monetary donations at this time will provide us the ability to continue to serve our clients while minimizing community contact.