LitNet COVID-19 Update
Dear Friends of LitNet,
The Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) office is closed until further notice and until determined safe by local, state and federal officials for us to resume regular programming. LitNet in-person tutoring is temporarily suspended as are all in-person trainings and workshops. Our tutors are working with care and creativity to continue to provide instruction for our students through virtual resources. We understand that changes are happening quickly and that you may have questions and need for support in the days and weeks ahead. The website will be updated with news and announcements as the situation evolves and we will be sending out regular emails. Please also feel free to reach out to the LitNet team at
The safety of our students and families is our most important concern. We are deeply grateful to be part of a community that truly cares, and we thank you for all your support of LitNet over the years.
Warm Regards,
The LitNet Team