50th Anniversary Announcement
Like most cultural organizations, Albany Berkshire Ballet has been seriously impacted by recent events, and are coming to terms with many of the same uncertainties facing performing arts companies all over the world.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in the U.S., ABB has canceled / indefinitely postponed two planned fundraisers, in addition to the suspension of all educational outreach and performances for the Spring and Summer of 2020.
View the entire email here – https://myemail.constantcontact.com/-Dance-is-Dance—-no-matter-how–no-matter-where-.html?soid=1124924095362&aid=X9W13IBthKc&fbclid=IwAR2o6xbMEInKqv0AcJB09_rkjIhh1MR6HbFiiY6njrZSf_KDbrkLDauUdRk
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