Read what seniors are saying about our programs! AgeWell Testimonials
Archie (name has been changed), is a 79 year old single man, with possible developmental delays. He was referred to Ethos’ EMHOT by Inspectional Services (ISD). His home, a house that he picked out for his parents when he was age 18 in 1959 and that he has lived in since 1962 was found to…
Ethos COVID-19 Prospectus Ethos is committed to ensuring the basic needs of our older and disabled neighbors, with our most urgent work being focused on food security. With over 100 daily referrals at the peak of the crisis and 20-30 new clients still coming on board each day with no waitlist, our Meals on Wheels…
Community collaboration provides food for families who need it! Abode Farm CSA delivered of 260 lbs carrots and 140 lbs of potatoes to CHP for distribution to Project Backpack for Berkshire Hills Regional schools’ families. Abode will also deliver 120 lbs of potatoes to the New Lebanon School’s Project Backpack. Berkshire Grown, COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMS Great Barrington Farmers’ Market,…
Now more than ever, your support is bringing meaningful connection to people with disabilities. The social isolation caused by the coronavirus is falling especially hard on CATA artists and their families, caregivers, and agencies. Many people with disabilities are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 and are now separated from their loved ones. Other have lost a…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Christopher McLaughlin Executive Director Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. (413) 499-0524 [email protected] Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. Essential Functions Continue March 17, 2020 As Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. (Elder Services) continues to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely, the health and well- being of our consumers, volunteers…
No one could have anticipated the financial impact this pandemic would have. The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires has provided a safety net for our Jewish community for more than 80 years and we are here to help individuals and families through this difficult time. Your support, together with seed funding from our annual campaign, will help…
Sanctuary Update! There are now 39 wildlife sanctuaries across the state with trails you can explore (and we’re working on plans to get the rest open soon!). Check out where you can go and please review the guidelines on how to safely visit. >
Berkshire County business, educational and organizational leaders, as well as elected officials, for coming together to show your support of our nonprofits during this crisis. And to the nearly 450 funding partners and individuals who have generously donated to the fund to help our nonprofits on the front lines. #InthisTogether #HereForGood By making a donation to…
The Library Building is currently closed due to COVID-19 precautions. Starting Monday, June 1, we are offering curbside pickup. Items checked out? We’re extending due dates and clearing fines. Holds? They will all be extended. Card expiring? We’re extending those too! We have guides to help you “Library from Home” and stay on top of…