Sign up to write letters and cards to self isolating seniors. Your letters will brighten their day and remind them that we are thinking of them! To sign up, please head to and fill out the bright yellow “get involved form”!

Drive to collect (1) non-perishable food and supplies (such as paper towels, toilet paper, diapers), gift cards for BJ’s, Costco or Market Basket, or cash or online donations; (2) socks, winter hats, gloves/mittens, and scarves or shawls. Drop-off sites will be provided and drop-off can take place on the days listed, but will also be…

Attend a Boston Cares New Volunteer Orientation as part of MLK Weekend 2021! Boston Cares is a flexible volunteer agency that connects individuals with volunteer opportunities throughout Greater Boston. To become a Boston Cares member and begin signing up for projects through our year-round Calendar Program, you must attend a brief, one-time New Volunteer Orientation.…

Did you know that Food Stamps cover the cost of candy, but not feminine hygiene products? Dignity Matters is a non-profit organization that collects, purchases and supplies feminine hygiene products, bras and underwear to women and girls who are homeless or disadvantaged, in order to help them stay healthy, regain self-confidence, and live with basic…

Did you know that Food Stamps cover the cost of candy, but not feminine hygiene products? Dignity Matters is a non-profit organization that collects, purchases and supplies feminine hygiene products, bras and underwear to women and girls who are homeless or disadvantaged, in order to help them stay healthy, regain self-confidence, and live with basic…

We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Belmont, MA food pantry. We will adhere to strict COVID-19 safety protocol – volunteers must wear masks, practice social distancing, and refrain from attending if they display symptoms.

Wondering how you can serve your community while staying at home? Join with other volunteers virtually to create masks for a variety nonprofit agency partners to benefit their staff and the people they serve! These nonprofit partners serve families, children, veterans, and homeless populations and many have essential staff working tirelessly to continue to serve…

Join us for a virtual panel discussion on social justice and equity with Diversity leaders from the City of Boston. This live session will offer an opportunity to hear from leaders about their thoughts on meaning of “social justice and equity”, after which participants will break out into small groups for guided discussion on the…

Join with other teens for a virtual friends and family voter registration drive! We’ll start with a quick training on quick and easy tools to register to vote, and then we’ll stay on Zoom together as we reach out to people in our life and help them register or make sure that their registration is…