X-Cel Education

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X-Cel Education

7 Glenvale Terrace, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
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Our mission

X-Cel’s mission is to make high school completion, post-secondary study, and sustainable career paths more accessible to underserved communities in Greater Boston, by providing flexible, customized instruction and career readiness development at no cost in convenient community locations.



Want to help eliminate the educational barriers that inhibit college enrollment and career advancement for Greater Boston adults? X-Cel tutors work with aspiring health care professionals, criminal investigators, engineers, and accountants (to name a few) who are preparing for Massachusetts’ high school equivalency test.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings
How you help

We are always in need of and always appreciate the help of our dedicated volunteers. We couldn’t do it without them!

About us

X-Cel started with a single volunteer and a small GED preparation class located in Roxbury. We have grown to 14 employees and a weekly average of 45 volunteers providing HiSET/GED Prep and College Prep classes at seven Boston locations. In addition, we operate the Boston Opportunity Youth Collaborative Connection Center, a one-stop resource launched in 2015 to connect opportunity youth, ages 20-24, who have a high school credential but are not in school or a career-oriented position, with workforce development and/or college bridging programs. Over the course of one year, we work with more than 300 high school equivalency and college transition students, as well as more than 200 youth seeking improved careers.