Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires

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Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires

777 S Main St #4, Great Barrington, MA 01230
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Our mission

At Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires, we provide access to free, comprehensive health care for those in the Berkshire region who are income-qualified and uninsured or under-insured.


The Power of 200 (stimulus checks)

Dear Friend:

This is the time, during a typical year, when VIM would invite you to our major annual fundraisers, including our Spring Dinner and our Annual Gala. This is not a typical year.
We need to cancel both of these events, and the impact is substantial. These events, combined, raise more than $225,000.

What is the impact of $225,000? That is what it costs us to provide a full year of comprehensive medical and dental care for 225 patients. Without that contribution, 225 people—or nearly a quarter of our patient base—will not have a medical home at a time they need one more than ever.

VIM is committed to being here for our patients no matter what the future might bring, and we are incredibly grateful to all of you who have made donations in the past few months. Several of you donated your stimulus checks to VIM. And that gave us the idea for a campaign. Our goal is to raise the equivalent of 200 stimulus checks, or $240,000. If we’re successful, we can erase our anticipated fundraising shortfall for the summer and continue to provide quality care to members of our community who need it, absolutely free of charge.

The Power of a Stimulus Check
Not everyone is in a position to donate $1,200. Some of you are in a position to donate considerably more than that. That’s how this can work—if each of us does what we can. Because together, one patient and one treatment at a time, we know we can reach our goal.

Here’s how you can help
We hope you’ll join us in demonstrating the power of your stimulus check—whether you receive one or not!–by making a generous donation today. You can mail us a check, or make your donation on our website. Thank you!

The POWER of 200 Stimulus Checks
While we battle the coronavirus, VIM continues to fulfill our mission and help keep our patients healthy and away from hospital emergency rooms—combining a mix of telemedicine and in-clinic visits. VIM also continues to take a lead role among local social service organizations to coordinate our community response. And, we’re supplementing available resources with spot grants to help patients—who have been among the hardest-hit economically—pay for rent, utilities, and other basics.


  • Ongoing
  • Anytime

Dental Hygienists

Dental Hygienists are always in high demand and are vital to meeting our objective of keeping patients healthy. Most hygienists provide service for one half-day per month.

  • Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays, Weekends

Dental Assistants

Dental Assistants are vital to the efficiency and quality of our services. If you are able to assist for one or two half days per month, you will make a significant impact on the smiles of VIM patients.

  • Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays, Weekends

No matches for criteria.

About us

Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires – locally known as VIM – is a health care center with a big heart. Our doctors, nurses, dentists and other clinical volunteers are here because they care deeply about our patients. Our receptionists, translators, drivers and other administrative volunteers value our mission and share a passion for helping patients heal and thrive.