15 Elmhurst St, Boston, Ma 02124
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Our missionTo engage and equip neighbors, volunteers, and congregations to build strong communities characterized by God’s shalom.

The Boston Project

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Ways to help

LevelUP Life Coaching

Mentor a teen for 6-10 months, helping them set and achieve goals related to successfully reaching adulthood.
  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+
  • Individuals
  • Virtual, Indoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpWhether you live across the street, in greater Boston, or further away, there is a place for you in our ministry. Your care and action demonstrate your love for neighbors. The time volunteers contribute annually is worth more than $50,000-$75,000 of services. But most importantly, it is a way you can give back, but also receive.
About usShalom means wholeness, peace, well-being, righteousness, and justice. We apply community-building strategies that include strengthening youth and families, developing leaders, multiplying collaborations, and investing in corner-by-corner transformation resulting in a more green, healthy, safe, connected, and economically-empowered neighborhood. Our work is anchored out of a Neighborhood Ministry House which neighbors utilize as a safe haven, a gathering place, resource center, youth hub, and centralized location for volunteer engagement and community organizing.
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