TEARS Foundation

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TEARS Foundation

300 W Main St A, Northborough, MA 01532
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Our mission

The vision for The TEARS Foundation is to meet a global need and provide its program across the world, by providing compassionate support to families who have lost a child with financial assistance to help lift the financial burden of paying for funeral services, and offering comprehensive, ongoing bereavement care for bereaved families.



Be a volunTEAR and support local Massachusetts families! We need help with planning events and remembrance gatherings, brainstorming new fundraising ideas, creating comfort kits for families, community outreach to local businesses and providers, social media presence, and spreading awareness to break the stigma of pregnancy and infant loss.
You do not have to be a bereaved parent to participate; anyone is welcome to attend. Many volunTEARS donate their time in support of a loved one who has lost a child.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual, Event support, Indoor
  • None, On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

We are a non-profit organization that supports bereaved families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. Examples of tasks and activities volunteers can help with:· Contact local restaurants for food/beverage donations for gatherings· Create info/support packages to share with local hospitals, OB/GYN offices, etc· Prepare programs, crafts, and materials for remembrance events· Distribute event fliers in community· ​Create Comfort Kits with bereavement gifts for newly bereaved families· Research local business partners to secure sponsorships and raffle items· Assist with marketing ideas and sharing posts on social media· Community outreach to funeral homes, healthcare professionals, bereavement programs, etc· Send remembrance cards to bereaved parents on anniversary dates

About us

The TEARS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to compassionately lift a financial burden from bereaved families who have experienced a pregnancy, infant or child loss by providing funds to assist with the cost of burial or cremation services. We also offer parents comprehensive bereavement care in the form of grief support groups, peer companions, and remembrance event. We believe that every child’s life deserves to be honored and memorialized in accordance with the grieving parents’ wishes.