Laurel Hill Association

Our missionOur mission is rooted in our history of vision, unity, and transformation fostering a healthy environment, a meaningful quality of life, and a sustainable future for Stockbridge, both its residents and visitors.

Laurel Hill Association

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How you helpSUPPORT US Volunteer: We offer many opportunities for you to help us continue to make Stockbridge a special place to live and visit. Participate in our annual Earth Day Trash Clean-up, join our board, or share your talents with us in other ways. Donate: Make a financial contribution at Attend: Attend our Annual Laurel Hill Day and other Laurel Hill events.
About usThe Laurel Hill Association maintains over 460 acres of properties and recreational trails, plants trees and flowers, cooperates with town authorities for community welfare, provides educational scholarships, and coordinates with other organizations to preserve the attractive character of Stockbridge.
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