Friends of Boston’s Homeless

Our mission | To support innovative, solutions-oriented programs with proven track records that help people transition from the streets and shelters to lead stable, hopeful, independent lives in dignified housing. |
Opportunities |
How you help | Friends of Boston’s Homeless provides direct and impactful ways individuals, corporations, foundations, groups, and charitable organizations can be an important part of ending homelessness in Boston. |
About us | Friends supports a number of vital programs in the City of Boston that help end homelessness including Housing First, Rapid Rehousing, Front Door Triage, Vocational Training and Workforce Development, and Transitional and Permanent Affordable Housing, and the emergency shelters, Woods Mullen Women’s and Southampton Men’s (formerly Long Island Shelter) run by Boston Public Health Commission. We also own and operate three Permanent Supportive Housing Programs in the community. Combined, these programs and services help hundreds of people each year move beyond shelter to lead stable, independent lives in our community. |