Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries (CMM)

Our mission | To mobilize congregations and communities across economic, religious, racial, and ethnic boundaries so that, in partnership, we can work more effectively for a just and peaceful society and for spiritual growth and interfaith understanding. |
About us | CMM is the Greater Boston Area’s oldest interfaith social action network. Founded in 1966 by faith communities to address poverty, housing, and racial justice in Boston and to link urban and suburban communities in just, transformative partnerships, CMM has tackled the most pressing issues facing our communities for more than 50 years, working to build Dr. King’s vision of beloved community. Through education, interfaith dialogue, service, and training, we nourish a commitment to social justice while striving to work out differences, reduce conflict, and create more inclusive communities. Recent programs encompass anti-violence training and education through Values over Violence workshops, addressing affordable housing issues in underserved communities through CLAH, Clergy and Laity for Affordable Housing, and hosting difficult community conversations on such issues as structural racism, education equity, and restorative justice. CMM’s members include congregations, partner organizations, educational institutions and individuals around the Greater Boston Area. Traditions represented in CMM’s membership include Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Quaker, Unitarian Universalist, Bahá’i and secular allies inspired by conscience. We also work with non-members beyond these traditions. |