Our missionWe build a cohesive and resilient community in Codman Square and South Dorchester, develop affordable housing and commercial spaces that are safe and sustainable, and promote economic stability for low and moderate income residents of all ages.

Codman Square NDC

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Ways to help

Annual Meeting - June 20, 2019

Help with set-up, greeting community stakeholders, serving food, clean-up, etc.
  • One-time
  • Teens, Adults
  • Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Evenings
How you helpWe would like to invite you to join the membership of Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corp (CSNDC), a dynamic community development corporation dedicated to building a cohesive and resilient community in Codman Square and South Dorchester, developing affordable housing and commercial spaces that are safe and sustainable, and promoting economic stability for low and moderate income residents of all ages.
About usWe envision a neighborhood where residents, businesses, and organizations foster a healthy, thriving and equitable community.
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