Chinese Culture Connection, Inc.

99 Dartmouth St, Malden, Ma 02148
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Our missionTo promote intercultural harmony, strengthen the diverse communities and build bridges between American and Chinese citizens through interactive educational programs and the arts.

Chinese Culture Connection, Inc.

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Ways to help

General Volunteer

The Chinese Culture Connection offers many volunteer opportunities for those who are interested in helping the organization and its programs. Choices may include in the office, at after-school program, and at our events. Taking part in our annual events, such as Chinese New Year Celebration, annual gala, or Ping-Pong tournament or other community fairs.
  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Office work, Event support, Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays
About usWe are a diverse group of Chinese, Chinese American and non-Chinese people who share an enthusiasm for culture in general, and Chinese culture in particular. We subscribe to the idea that learning about cultures enriches life and provides a powerful way for different people to connect. We believe that the mission of CCC is more timely than ever because of the ascendancy of China in the world economy, the interconnectedness of the whole world, and, perhaps most importantly, because our current world rests on our ability, as a people, to understand, appreciate and find common ground with those whose culture is different than our own so that we can cohabit on this planet peacefully.
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