Children's Museum Easton

9 Sullivan Ave, North Easton, Ma 02356
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Our missionTo spark a life-long love of learning through hands-on play and exploration for all.

Children’s Museum Easton

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How you helpThough our staff is mighty, we have a small team and could always use a little help! We are grateful to have a great group of youth, adult, family and corporate volunteers who help us achieve so much each year and we are always looking for more!
About usThe Children's Museum in Easton was founded in 1991 on the principle that play and hands-on learning is critically important to successful child development. With childhood becoming increasingly digital, sedentary and, in some cases isolated, we believe early and continued access to social, hands-on play is more important than ever. As a result, we have doubled-down on our commitment to kids and parents and play. Play is more than fun, it is a child's job!
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