Our mission | To alleviate hunger in Braintree by providing the resources necessary for purchasing groceries to all Braintree residents in need. |
Braintree Community Food Pantry
Ways to help | Back to SchoolPlease help us equip our clients to send their kids back to school in style this year with a backpack, filled with school supplies (Notebooks, pencils, pens... etc). |
How you help | We are an all volunteer, faith-based, 501(c)(3) independent charity founded in 1993. We do this in obedience to the command Jesus made to His followers: "Feed my sheep." which is found in the Gospel of John, chapter 21, verse 17. |
About us | In our first year of operation 720 people were fed. Over 28 years later that number has grown significantly. We are now feeding over 3,000 people annually. |
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