Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program

780 Albany St, Boston, Ma 02118
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Our missionTo provide or assure access to the highest quality health care for all homeless individuals and families in the greater Boston area.

Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program

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How you helpFrom volunteers, interns, and BHCHP AmeriCorps members filling many roles throughout our program to the corporations who make our fundraising events possible, our supporters are the backbone of BHCHP.
About usOver 11,000 homeless individuals are cared for by Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program each year. We are committed to ensuring that every one of these individuals has access to comprehensive health care, from preventative dental care to cancer treatment. Our clinicians, case managers, and behavioral health professionals work in more than 35 locations to deliver the highest quality health care to some of our community’s most vulnerable—and most resilient—citizens.
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