Connected to Organization --- not set --- Opportunity Title DescriptionOur local economy needs our help. Berkshire businesses are doing everything possible to meet the needs of their customers while keeping their staff employed and all community members safe. Now is the time to show up and support our local businesses and their employees! How can you help? . Order takeout or delivery from a local restaurant. And tip generously! . Purchase a gift certificate to a local store. . Utilize a local business’s online shopping platform. Donate the cost of your performance ticket back to the arts organization instead of asking for a refund. . Schedule and prepay for a service. . Virtually attend a wellness or educational webinar. . Make a donation to a food pantry, nonprofit, or local relief fund. . ALL local businesses need our help, but for an up-to-date list of BerkShares bank and business availability, visit the #linkinbio. #localeconomy #localbusiness #smallbusiness #berkshares #localcurrency #intheberkshires Link to Learn More Text for Learn More Button Ways to Help Tags Type - In-person or Virtual plus other(s) In-person Virtual Answer Calls Collect Donations Delivery Food Distribution Food Packing Foster Animals Hotline Staff Indoor Maintenance Note Writing Other Outdoor Phone Calling Project-based Proofreading Research Skills-based Tech Support Tutoring Writing Ages 12-15 16-18 55+ Adults (18+) Child with Adult Children (5-12) Groups Corporate Teams Families Groups (10+) Groups (2-10) Individuals How Often One-time Ongoing Recurring Training Formal None On-site Skilled When Anytime Evenings Weekdays Weekends-- Parent -- Add New Keep Visible Until: